"Blinder" is an Australian sports drama film released in 2013. The movie is directed by Richard Gray and written by Richard Gray, Michele Davis-Gray, and Scott Didier. It follows the story of Tom Dunn, a young footballer who returns to his hometown to coach the struggling local team. The film explores themes of redemption, friendship, and the challenges faced by small communities.
The cast includes Oliver Ackland, Anna Hutchison, Jack Thompson, Josh Helman, and Rose McIver, among others. "Blinder" received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising its performances and themes, while others criticized its predictable plot and clichés. Despite its reception, the film remains popular among fans of sports dramas, particularly in Australia.
"Blinder" is a 2013 Australian sports drama film directed by Richard Gray
"Blinder" is a 2013 Australian sports drama film directed by Richard Gray. It follows the story of Tom Dunn, played by Oliver Ackland, a talented young footballer who returns to his hometown after a troubled past. Tom is given the opportunity to coach the local football team, the Robins, in an attempt to revive both the team's fortunes and his own life.
As Tom becomes involved with the team and the community, he forms bonds with his players and confronts his personal demons. The film explores themes of redemption, friendship, loyalty, and the importance of community.
In addition to Oliver Ackland, the film features a cast including Anna Hutchison, Jack Thompson, Josh Helman, and Rose McIver. The movie showcases Australian football culture and the passion that surrounds the sport in local communities.
While "Blinder" received mixed reviews from critics, it has found an audience among fans of sports dramas, particularly in Australia. The film captures the spirit of small-town life and the challenges faced by individuals striving for redemption and acceptance.
"Blinder" is directed by Richard Gray, an Australian filmmaker known for his work in both film and television. In addition to directing, Gray has also worked as a writer and producer on various projects. "Blinder" represents one of his notable directorial efforts, showcasing his ability to capture compelling narratives and characters on screen.
The main actor in "Blinder" is Oliver Ackland. He portrays the lead character, Tom Dunn, a talented young footballer who returns to his hometown to coach the local football team, the Robins. Oliver Ackland's performance anchors the film as it explores themes of redemption, friendship, and the challenges of small-town life.
Anna Hutchison is a New Zealand actress
Anna Hutchison is a New Zealand actress who is known for her role in "Blinder" among other projects. In the film, she plays Rose Walton, a character involved in the protagonist's life. Hutchison has appeared in various television shows and films, including her role as Laeta in the TV series "Spartacus: War of the Damned" and as Jules Louden in the horror-comedy film "The Cabin in the Woods." She has gained recognition for her versatile performances across different genres.
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